

Aug 08, 2023

Solar Panels, Synthetic Turf: Fairfax County Carryover Fund Considered

FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA — Fairfax County's Board of Supervisors will decide what to do with over $200 million in carryover funds from the last fiscal year's budget.

On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors received the carryover budget proposal, which involves spending the unspent funds from the last fiscal year. Carryover funds resulted from property tax revenue that was higher than expected as well, other local taxes and revenues, and county agencies closely managing spending and facing continued staff vacancies, according to county government. Fairfax County ended the 2023 fiscal year with a $203.14 million carryover from the general fund.

The Board of Supervisors typically receives recommendations on how to spend carryover funds, which are unspent from the last fiscal year. On Tuesday, county staff provided a carryover budget package with recommendations to spend $200.9 million, leaving $2.24 million for the Board of Supervisors to decide on.

The board will hold a public hearing and vote on the carryover package on Sept. 26.

County staff recommend putting $69.36 million in reserves, as the county has a goal of reserve levels matching 10 percent of the general fund. A key part of the proposed funding for reserves is $26.4 million for the bicyclist and pedestrian access improvements fund. The fund supports one-time investments in pedestrian and bicyclist facilities, responding to increasing pedestrian and bicyclist activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pedestrian and bicyclist improvement fund would have a total of $56.6 million if the $26.4 million from carryover funds is approved.

Some of the other funding recommendations by county staff include:

At Tuesday's board meeting, Chairman Jeff McKay noted other requests from members' board matters will also be considered for the carryover budget.

Another carryover fund not counted in the county's general fund involves federal American Rescue Plan Act funds. Of the $222.89 million in federal funds received, $104.18 million was spent in fiscal year 2023 and $118.71 million will carry over to fiscal year 2024. Funds must be allocated by the end of 2024 and spent by the end of 2026.

Separately, the Fairfax County School Board will consider proposed uses of its carryover funds from fiscal year 2023, including $3 million proposed for a pilot program to install weapons screening equipment at selected high schools. A vote is expected on Aug. 31.

Emily Leayman